July 26, 2016
Ask the Expert - Wave Washer Replacement and Overlapping vs. Gap Type Wave SpringsWelcome back to the Ask the Expert Blog, where Smalley engineers answer commonly asked retaining ring and wave spring design questions. This week, our engineering experts answer some questions about wave washer replacement and the difference between overlapping and gap type wave springs.
Does Smalley have a product that can replace stainless steel wave washers? In my application, the washers are...
July 8, 2016
Material Selection GuideChoosing the Right Material
After finding the right retaining ring or wave spring for your application you would think you had made all the hard decisions.
Wrong! Now you need to choose the right material for your application!
Specifying the correct material for your application can prevent additional cost and failure in your operation down the road. Luckily, Smalley is here to help! Identifying...
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